Applying for and running projects within the Horizon 2020 project requires some knowledge on budgets, from eligible costs to hourly rates. This course provides an introduction to the legal and financial issues in Horizon 2020.

The course will show you how to:

  • find suitable partners for a H2020 project and find out whether they are eligible for funding
  • draft a budget for a H2020 project
  • identify possibilities for including third parties in the project 
  • put together periodic and final reports
  • get prepared for controls and audits

We recommend that you take this course as a preparation for the "Project Management and Financial Reporting" course held by Europe Media.

This course is still under development, but you are welcome to try it. 

The Participant Portal is your entry point for electronic administration of your EU-funded research and innovation projects or proposals that hosts a full range of services for managing and monitoring proposals and projects throughout their lifecycle.

It's important to know your way around the participant portal to be able to search for calls, submit an application and to administer you project if you receive funding. 

In this course the main focus is on what you can do on the participant portal before logging in, and how to register. 

This course is a basic introduction for those who have not worked with EU-projects/Horizon 2020 before. 

The course will give you an introduction to Horizon 2020, and covers the following topics: 

  • How is Norway involved in EU's research and innovation work, and why. 
  • Which countries can participate in the Horizon 2020
  • How the programme is structured

This course will give you an introduction to the opportunities that are available under the Excellent Science Pillar in Horizon 2020 (ERC Starting- or Consolidator grant, ERC Advanced grant and MSCA).

The objectives of the course are to give an EU-advisor the necessary information to make the organization and researchers aware of these funding opportunities, and create interest for them.

The course will cover:

  • Introduction to the Excellent Science Pillar, and who is it for?
  • How to motivate researchers to apply
  • What does the Norwegian Research Council offer of extra financing?